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When The Dental Chair Is In The Supine Position.

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What is the supine position of a dental chair?

When is the supine position usually required:

What should be paid attention to when the patient is in a supine position?

What Should The Dentist DAThat Time?


What IThe Supine Position OA Dental Chair?

The supine position of a dental chair is when the patient is lying down with his or her back completely flat on the chair. When this position is used, it allows the dentist to access the entire mouth without having to move the patient’s head. This position is often used for oral surgery and procedures that require the patient to be completely still. 

Your head should be supported with a headrest. If you’re having surgery, your surgeon will place a surgical cap over your head before they start working on you. You may also receive an intravenous (IV) line so they can give you fluids or medications while they work on you. Make sure that any surgical caps or IV lines are secured properly so they don’t get caught on anything during the procedure.

When IThe Supine Position Usually Required:

The recommended patient position during dental treatment is with the patient back on the dental chair. For maxillary treatment, the patient’s dental chair is approximately parallel to the floor in the supine position. For the treatment of the lower jaw, the patient is placed in a semi-supine position with the back of the dental chair slightly vertical.

The supine position is a common position for dentists to treat patients, and generally occurs in the following situations:

  • The supine position is often used when dentists are performing procedures such as crowns, fillings, and root canal treatments. However, some dentists may use this position for regular checkups as well.
  • A dentist can also use this position for dental exams and other procedures such as X-rays if necessary. The dentist might also have their patient lie down on an incline or even sit in an upright chair for certain procedures such as cleaning and fluoride treatments if necessary.

What Should BPaid Attention TWhen The Patient IIA Supine Position?

When you are in this position, there are some special precautions that must be taken to ensure your safety:

During the procedure, we were in the supine position. Therefore, there is often some water in our mouth during operation, so we must breathe through the nose. Otherwise, it will cause choking and cause discomfort when we look at our teeth.

Here are some tips:

  1. Open your mouth and breathe through your nose.
  2. Do not move your head.
  3. If you want to spit or have pain and discomfort, be sure to raise your hand first.

When treating the maxilla, the patient should:

  1. Body: The patient’s feet should be level with or slightly higher than the tip of their noses.
  2. Back of the chair: The back of his chair should be nearly parallel to the floor.
  3. Head: The top of the patient’s head should be flush with the upper edge of the headrest. If needed, ask the patient to slide the body to reach this position.
  4. Headrest: Adjust the position of the headrest so that the patient’s head is in an upward position so that the patient’s nose is flush with the chin.

What Should The Dentist Do At That Time?

What should the dentist do at that time?

1. Note the location of lighting and equipment:

Ideally, the dental chair light should be placed so that the light can be approximately perpendicular to the ground.

For the treatment of the lower teeth, the dentist should make the light of the lamp approximately perpendicular to the floor.

For the maxilla, it is often difficult to achieve ideal light requirements. Dentists often need to move the light over the patient’s neck to form an angle into the mouth. It’s important for dentists to know that placing overhead lights away from their line of sight (around the patient’s wrist) can help reduce back pain. At the same time, dentists should pay attention to placing the light arm away from themselves and avoid placing the light on the patient’s head.

2. The habit of forming good clinical posture:

During dental procedures, some actions are physically harmful to the dentist:

  • Incorrect clinical posture: For a joint, the natural posture is the posture when the joint is used in the middle part of its range of motion. The farther away from this state, the tighter the joint muscles. So be careful to use your natural posture.
  • Static operating posture: Static posture is holding the body in one position for a long time. In the long run, this will cause great damage to the body.
  • Repetitive exercise: Refers to the need to repeat more than 50% of the same basic movement in a work cycle. This is also very harmful to the body.

So while working, the physician must have access to the patient’s mouth without any bending, stretching, or raising the elbow above the wrist-elbow level.

First, the dentist should establish a natural sitting position, and then everything else – the dental chair, the patient’s head, the chair light, and other dental equipment – is adapted to maintain the dentist’s natural sitting position.


In the supine position, both the patient and the dentist need a more comfortable dental chair. It can reduce the fatigue of both and provide them with comfortable and healthy medical care. This shows how important a quality dental chair is, so here, we recommend you choose Roson to provide you with a better dental chair.

If you choose Roson, you will get:

  • Rotatable side case optimizes space for four-handed operation.
  • Built-in tissue box, convenient for patients to withdraw tissue.
  • Integrated small tray for easy patient storage of belongings.
  • Have an independent disinfection water supply system.
  • The dental unit is designed with high stability, with a full technical configuration to meet your professional needs.
  • Roson Dental Unit gives you the comfort of linkage compensation.

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