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How To Fix Your Dental Assistant Chair Efficiently

What IDental Assistant Chair? Why IIImportant?

Dental Assistant Chair is a device that is used to provide comfort and support to the dentist, dental hygienist, and other dental professionals. It is also called a dental chair. How To Fix Dental Assistant Chair

Dental assistant chairs are an essential part of any dental clinic as they make sure that the patients feel comfortable while undergoing any treatment procedure. The dental assistant chairs come with many features like cushions, armrests, tilting seats, and adjustable height. These features help in providing great comfort to the patient while they are sitting on it.

The following are some of the basic features of a dental assistant chair:

  • It has adjustable height and armrests.
  • It has a padded seat and backrest with an adjustable height feature.
  • There are casters on both sides which allow easy movement of the chair from one place to another.
  • The backrest can be adjusted individually from 90 degrees up to 180 degrees based on your requirements.

There are several types of dental chairs available in the market today. Some of these chairs come with features that make them more comfortable for the patients while others have features that make them more efficient for the staff members of the dental practice.

 The most common type of dental chair is called Dental Assistant Chair and it is used by dentists, assistants or hygienists as well as other staff members in order to get them seated comfortably near their patients so that they can work efficiently without having any problems with their backs, necks or shoulders.

Why Does Your Dental Assistant Chair Often Break Down?

Is the problem related to something mechanical in the chair? Perhaps there is some type of error that has only just begun.

The dental Assistant Chair is an important piece of dental equipment, but in the clinic, it often breaks down. In fact, many clinics spend a large sum of money every year on repairing this chair. Why does your Dental Assistant Chair often break down? The main reasons for dental assistant chair repair are as follows:

  1. The main reason is that most dental equipment, including the dental assistant chair, is made of metal. Metal is a solid material, so it is not easy to be deformed. However, when it is used for a long time, it will inevitably be worn out and broken down.
  2. Next, people do not take good care of their chairs and they do not pay attention to whether they have any problems with them or not. This leads to some serious consequences such as broken chair parts, damaged motors and other parts which will lead to a lot of money spent on fixing these things.
  3. Another reason for dental assistant chair repair is improper maintenance. You should make sure that you clean your chair regularly and check whether there is any problem with it or not because if there is no maintenance then you will face problems when using it again after some time period passes.
  4. One more reason why dental assistant chair repair is required is because of overuse of these devices which causes damage to their parts like motors etc., so you need to be careful while operating them.

How TFix Your Dental Assistant Chair?

Before you want to repair the chair, it is best to briefly understand the structure. The dental chair has several parts that make it work properly, including:

1. Chair Frame:

The base of the chair where connects to the floor.

2. Headrest:

The padded area that goes behind your head when you sit on it. This helps keep your head from moving around while sitting in the chair.

3. Armrests:

These are padded areas that go over your arms when you sit on them so they do not move around while sitting in the chair.

4. Seat:

The part where you sit on when having treatment done to you such as filling cavities or having teeth pulled out. It should be firm enough so that it does not sink down when someone sits on it but soft enough so that it does not hurt their bottom when sitting on it for long periods of time (such as waiting).

Some hospitals or clinics would rather buy a new chair. But that will be another big expense. Therefore, if you want to buy a new one but you don’t have much money to spare, then you can try to repair the old one first before buying a new one. There are many ways to do so and here are some of them:

Check for faults:

First, if something goes wrong with your dental assistant chair, check whether it is working properly or not by pressing the foot pedal of the chair when you are sitting on it. If it does not work properly, then there may be something wrong with your Dental Assistant Chair. You need to check what exactly went wrong with it and how it can be repaired or fixed before using it again.

Make sure there is no air in the hydraulic system. Then check the hydraulic fluid levels to make sure they are within an acceptable range. Don’t forget to inspect all of the hoses and lines to check for leaks.

Repairing the screws:

The screws that hold the parts together will be worn out after being used for a long time. You can use an electric screwdriver or drill bit to repair these screws by inserting them into the hole where they fit and then turning them until they become tight again (make sure not too tight).

Replace broken parts with new ones

If your chair has broken parts, then you need to replace them with new ones as soon as possible because replacing them will prevent further damage to other parts of your dental assistant chair. Some parts can be replaced by yourself but others will require professional help like the replacement of springs or fabric for example.


Last but not least, if you want to learn more about how to fix your Dental Assistant Chair yourself, then all you need to do is to find the original seller and ask carefully about how to maintain the chair. No one should know the dental assistant chair better than they do.

Buying A HighQuality Chair Is A Good Start

As an old Chinese saying goes: if a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his tools.

One of the most important factors that determine the efficiency of your dental practice is the equipment you use. This is why it is always important to buy high-quality dental chairs for your practice. You will find many different types of chairs in the market, but not all are suitable for your practice. Next in this article, we will discuss some tips on how to choose the best chair for your dental practice.

Adjustability – Make sure that the dental assistant chair has enough adjustability features so that you can adjust it according to your body size and height.

Comfort – The dental assistant chair should be comfortable for use for long hours of work.

Easy To Clean – The material used for making this chair should be easy to clean as well as maintain its cleanliness throughout its lifetime. This will help prevent bacteria from spreading around the office, thus keeping everyone safe from infections.


Having a high-quality dental assistant’s chair reduces the likelihood of its damage, while also providing better medical care. Here, we recommend you choose a chair from Roson.

If you choose Roson, you not only get a quality dental assistant chair, but also professional care. These maintenance measures can extend the life of the chair, allowing you and your patients to enjoy quality service.

What are you waiting for? Give it a try!

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